We should use this time wisely to strengthen our immune system. This also means we shall work on things that make us happy, because the happiness hormones serotonin and dopamine directly increase the efficiency of our immune system. For some, happiness is an excursion into nature, reading, doing sports, for others it may be baking a cake or regular video dates with family & friends.
Physical health
A healthy and balanced diet is essential for our health. The current situation allows time for cooking and regular meals. As a rule of thumb, between meals should be 4-6 hours. 3 hours before going to sleep it is best to only drink water and tea.
Getting some sleep before midnight is also very important. Make sure you have some kind of regular daily schedule even during times like these. Especially if you have children that are at home as well, set up a schedule, your kids will need some kind of “normality”.
Herbs and plants help us to strengthen our immune system. Now that spring is here, nature offers us a lot. Wild garlic, dandelions, daisies and nettles can be found almost everywhere. So get outside into nature, soak up the sun and collect some herbs!
Mental health
In addition to our physical health, we should also take care of our psyche. Let’s use the time to get rid of psychological baggage. Eliminate the burden of the past, evaluate what and who is really important to you and maybe reassess your life choices. Especially in difficult times like these, take time to think about things like that.
We are all trying to keep up with the news, but try to not only see the negative headlines. Get a grip of a daily summary of events and do not get lost within fake news. Under no circumstances should we be afraid of the Coronavirus, because fear suppresses the immune system. Fear acts as a brake on our immune system!
Seeing the positive aspects we can derive from the Corona crisis is important. The massive decline in pollution, the strengthening of solidarity, the chance to rethink the economic growth madness, deceleration, personal reflection and above all time. Let’s use this time wisely!
Keep calm and stay healthy!
We can overcome this crisis and everything will return to normal. How this “normal” will look like, who knows?! However, stop worrying about what is going to happen, make the most of the situation now. Everything will fall into place. There will for sure be an economic upswing – let’s prepare ourselves so that we are ready for it!