Read what the hotel has to say about us:

In my view, hotelkit is the ideal tool to create transparency, encourage the employees’ creativity and to canalize and accelerate on-site information flows not only within hotels, but also between hotels and headquarter. hotelkit simplifies our work, as everyone has access to the same kind of information in a target-group oriented way, share knowledge among one another and contribute their ideas for innovations via the “management of ideas”. I would not want to work without this possibility of communication anymore.

Lorenz Ter Veen
Lorenz ter Veen COO - Chief Operations Officer Derag Livinghotels, München

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Living Hotels

Alexander Willim, Director of Marketing at Living Hotels, gave us a visit in Salzburg.

Communication & innovation that goes beyond one property

With hotelkit, the Living Hotels of the Derag corporate group have found their perfect tool to communicate with all the different departments and employees and to promote new ideas across all hotels. See how hotelkit helped them to optimize their processes!

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