
hotelkit GmbH

hotelkit GmbH
Software company
Marie-Andeßner-Platz 1
A-5020 Salzburg

Phone: +43 662 238080
E-Mail: info@hotelkit.net

Based in: 5020 Salzburg
Company register number: FN378467w
Company register court: Salzburg
UID-Number: ATU 67203046
Tax number: 1566263

Chamber affiliation:
Wirtschaftskammer Salzburg
Managing director:
Mag. Marius Donhauser

Professional law:
Trade order: www.ris.bka.gv.at
Bezirkshauptmannschaft Salzburg

Consumers can submit complaints to the EU’s online dispute resolution platform: https://ec.europa.eu.
You also have the option to address any complaints to the email address above.