Motivate your team

A joy that’s shared is a joy made double! People who feel comfortable in a team are more likely to enjoy their job and give their all. Digital tools help your team to network and motivate each other!

One team, one dream

Staff Engagement

There is an I in TEAM!

Different departments, activities and shifts. Can’t catch them all at the same time and your team members are often not on the same page? Digital tools are what make a good team great.

hotelkit Tools Announcements

Share your news

Good news! Celebrate successes, big and small, digitally with hotelkit News and Announcements tools. Whether you use it for juicy gossip or to organize the next meeting, from now on your team will always be up to date.

Since we are using hotelkit, the motivation and efficiency have improved enormously. The whole team is integrated and everyone is enthusiastic!

Xenia Erb
Xenia Erb Owner | Best Western Plus Hotel Erb

To date, the Familux Resorts have had



and more than half of them have been realised.

hotelkit Tools Ideas

A true team effort

Your hotel team is bubbling with ideas. The fact that the employees can get involved not only increases their motivation, but also fosters innovative spirits in the hotel. After all, everything starts with an idea!

These hotels have already mastered their Staff Engagement with hotelkit.

Staff Engagement Tools

Stay in touch, stay motivated with hotelkit. Bring everyone together and make the perfect medium for innovation!

Staff Engagement in the hotel

All employees are important. Staff or Employee Engagement will show your team exactly that. The ultimate effect? Your employees know they’re appreciated, they appreciate each other (and you!) and work together to achieve common goals. In order for the job to be engaging and rewarding, each and every employee should be able to contribute their ideas. A motivated employee actively gets involved, is more loyal, and wants to contribute to the success of the company. An unmotivated employee might just do the bare minimum and not care about the outcome. Ideally, you want your team to get up in the morning looking forward to work.

Sounds like something you need? Time for a demo.

Your turn! You’re only a click and some quick typing away from your hotelkit demo. Check out the full version, completely free, for 30 days.

    Contact forms are not your thing?

    We’re a flexible bunch. Chat with us, call us or send us an e-mail. We look forward to hearing and reading from you!

    Success Stories

    We could tell you lots of those, but we won’t. We like to let our deeds speak for themselves. These hotels once faced the same challenges as you. Find out how they solved them. With hotelkit!

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