Crisis Management

How to prevent food waste

Don't waste food, help others! Especially in times like these, our resources should be used efficiently and we should take care of each other. Lots of closed restaurants and hotels found a way to prevent food waste by donating it.

Panic buying on the one hand, crowded storage rooms of closed restaurants and hotels on the other hand – due to the Coronavirus crisis, we live in crazy times indeed. But what to do with ordered steaks for a wedding? With full freezers or vegetables which parish quickly ? There are many inspiring examples of restaurants or hotels handling the current situation by helping others.

Donate food to helpers

What would we do in times of the Corona crisis without hundreds of people that help to fight it? Some restaurants donate food or cook meals for organizations like the Red Cross or hospitals. For example, restaurants and hotels donate perishable food to NGOs on Tenerife. A Viennese gourmet restaurant called Steirereck cooks lunch every day for helpers such as firemen and policemen.

Donate food to food banks

Others are giving their food to food banks because they are also heavily affected by the Coronavirus outbreak. Due to the panic buying, there was a temporary lack of food in the supermarket which was normally meant for them. Therefore, lots of restaurants, hotels as well as vocational schools decided to donate their no longer needed food storage to them, e.g. in the Netherlands or Hamburg. Moreover, a lot of football games were cancelled. The Premier-League-Club Aston Villa donated matchday food to homeless charities.

Help the elderly

Especially older people have a greater risk of developing serious symptoms or even dying from the coronavirus. Therefore, “meals on wheels” services are kind of lifesavers to them. Lots of restaurants start to cook especially for the older generations and deliver it to them. At the same time, the restaurant can still employ its kitchen team and keep some of their revenue alive  – a win-win-situation for everyone.

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