
Hotel Hygiene Advice List

Most likely, you have always appreciated a crispy clean hotel room. The COVID-19 pandemic is causing hotels around the world to rethink and raise the hygiene bar drastically.

Crisis Management

Emerging out of this crisis even stronger

So far, the COVID-19 virus has not come to a halt, more and more people are getting infected. Most countries follow the Chinese approach of protecting their people by administering measures to avoid social contacts. Let us all take part in this and do our best to flatten the curve.

Crisis Management

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

There is no stability without solidarity, and no solidarity without stability. Especially during the groundbreaking times we currently find ourselves in. From all over the world, acts of kindness, of reaching out and taking care of each other, are happening.

Crisis Management

How hotels are responding to the Coronavirus

In times of crisis, the travel industry seems to be as creative as ever. While many hotels have been forced to close down their facilities, others have reinvented themselves with the hope of helping people. In this article we want to point out some very nice initiatives that inspired us.

Crisis Management

Ground rules & information sites during the crisis

It can sometimes get difficult to keep track of the latest rules and measures our governments publish, especially since these differ per country. We are here to help you filter through the maze of information and create a clear overview.

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